All those students that didn't show up the first week of school have been making up for it this week. Yesterday was the first day in seven that it was actually almost quiet in the store and you could breathe between customers.
I have been on audit for almost a month now. It started when I made a mistake during a busy, LOUD, time. I wasn't able to concentrate due to some very loud teenagers and gave a somewhat regular customer twenty dollars too much in change. I wasn't sure at the time but it suddenly hit me about 2 customers later. I immediately asked for the tray to be audited because I wanted to be sure one way or the other. Turned out I was right; and he never came back. So I went on audit. When you are down money you go on audit for two weeks. Fine, except that at day 12 of 14 another mistake was made and I can't for the life of me remember an incident that could have caused it.
Anyway, last night I go in for 3:30 expecting to be on express and I am put on three. WTF??!!!
I have ALWAYS, since I worked there on the 3:30 -7:30 shift, been on express. So I was quite taken aback. I was told at first that the girl on express was staying later than 3:30 and that was why I was not going there. Except that at 3:30 I looked and she was gone. Now in the meantime there have been little comments made over the last few days like "Oh, are you still on audit?" and "make any more mistakes". Meant to be funny but taken in the context of being moved from my regular spot the mind starts to work.
I like being on express. It is a LOT easier on my back for one thing and the time goes quicker. Plus I see a lot of my regular customers. But why was I suddenly not there and why was I given such a lame excuse?
And then to top it off last night, with one more day on this audit stuff my tray is out $25.00!!!!!!!!!!
I had taken the tray in for counting and Head Cashier bought my change to add to her change drawer and then balanced my tray. Now I watched her do it and didn't see anything wrong. (roll of twoonies($50), roll of loonies ($25), roll of quarters ($10) and a roll of dimes ($5) = $90.00 out of my tray; 4 twenties ($80) and one ten ($10) go into my tray)
I couldn't figure it out and I was almost in tears so I left and started for home, thoughts of quitting flitting through my head. Maybe I have lost my cashier skills. Maybe I am way too tired, Maybe I am way too stressed. I don't know.
But then! An AHA moment. I remembered that another girl and I got change at almost the exact same time and I also remembered that when I opened my roll of twoonies it seemed odd that I had another roll of two's when it should have been loonies. Another girls tray was up by over $25.00 so I thought well maybe I got her two's and she got my one's. So back to work I rush to find Head Cashier frantically trying to find the roll of twoonies she bought from my tray.
I told her my theory of what may have happened and how it would explain the problem with the two trays. We look in the cash drawer and she says she thought this one roll would be the problem because she thought it was twoonies and it wasn't. Suddenly I realize what happened as I too had thought it was a $50.00 roll of coins (it wasn't wrapped the way twoonies normally are and turned out to be loonies). She adds the money up again and low and behold that is where my $25.00 went. So the notes were written and I initialed and all is well in my tray and her cash drawer.
I toddle off home, now half an hour late, and get to see my hubby. He was worried about me because I am not usually that late. I told him the story and he was just glad that nothing had happened to me. I'm sorry he was concerned for me but it was REALLY important to me to get it sorted out.
It is strange how that can affect your whole mood. I was in a foul mood for just not being on express. And I almost let it get the better of me. Luckily a few of my regulars hunted me down and came through my line even though I was busy and it would have been quicker for them to go through express. I really appreciate them for that.
One last aside; On Monday I was on Express and there is this one nice lady that always talks to me and she said she had ten items, could she come through my line? I said sure seeing as its only ten and I didn't have any customers AT THE MOMENT. She puts her stuff up as I am finishing with the customer ahead of her and son of a B**** if she doesn't have 22 freaking items!!!
What can I say now? I've let her in. And of course suddenly people show up behind her. So now they're waiting while I try to get through this order. I wanted to say something but she's nice and apparently so am I. So I let it go although I think my body language may have let her know. She was very quiet suddenly and left fairly quickly.
AND Two things about buggies.
I don't know why people can walk into the store after having to walk AROUND a buggy that someone else has left IN THE DOORWAY and then get a buggy from inside. Why can't you just push the buggy in and use it? You had to avoid it and dodge around it to get in the store?
I can understand if its been raining or snowing and the buggy is wet, but otherwise? What? No common sense?
And the other thing. If you take the buggy off the lot to get your groceries home: BRING THE DAMN THING BACK!!!!!
Do you want them to put a coin thingy on it so you have to pay a deposit? Because the talk is not for it to be 25 cents anymore. They are talking about $5:00 or $10:00 or even more. Those things are not cheap and we don't have the resources to go and bring them back. If we did then prices would go up even MORE.
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