Another story about the Princess. Apparently she was scheduled to work till 9:00 pm the other night. At ten to 9 she starts to close down, even though the only cashier at the time is on express. There is a customer with a full buggy and nowhere to go. Another cashier is due back from break at 5 after but, Princess doesn't want to stay and help. No consideration for any one else. AGAIN!
Head cashier asks her to stay, and she pulls this hand on hip pout thing. She's told an audit can be done in two minutes and that it would be a real help. Plus she will be out of the store just after nine. Still pouting, she is then told that the other cashier will be back and we can't send this customer with a buggy FULL of groceries through express, because by the time that is done the line up will be huge. Still pouting.
Finally head cashier tells her she is staying. She was so pissed that she didn't get away with her crap.
YES!! Someone actually made her work!! Its about freaking time. She is gradually getting away with less and less. I don't know why this girl is still at my store. It boggles the mind. Maybe we can just 'work' her out of here.
I have the dubious pleasure of working the same shift as her twice this coming week and I plan on keeping an eye on her disappearing act. I am not about to put up with anymore of this sulky, pouty attitude from her.
Oh yes, the Mystery Shopper incident. All I know is what I was told. I have not read the report. Apparently we had them come through in the past few weeks. We got a very low score on cashiers because they chose someone to go through that "was obviously NOT happy to be there, never greeted them, barely made eye contact, did not say more than a few words to them", and did not do the best job either.
Hmmm, wonder who that was??? And yet she still works here. Gawd, I hope we get some more applications very soon.
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