Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just a little info on the links

I first had started my blog on Friday April 14, 2006. That's the link entitled Sally's Day. Then somewhere along the way Blogger updated some stuff or upgraded or whatever computery stuff they did, but when I clicked on my link I was at a new blog titled Sally's Mind. I have not figured out how to move my posts over or how to combine the two blogs. So, for now I have three.

So, The first link is to my husband's page. He is an IT tech and very savvy with the computer stuff. He is also a musician and as such practices a LOT. There is always an instrument near him and he hardly ever is not practicing some riff, or technique or song or phrase or tone or whatever other things that go with music. I love him to pieces.

The next two are the aforementioned ones.

The next one is the Hen Cam. When we lived in the country 22 years ago we had chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, bees, pigs, sheep and a goat. I miss the chickens, especially at this time of the year. This is when the new chicks would have just arrived and the older hens are still laying and there is so much to do. One of the most relaxing things I have ever done and the very best therapy for my mind was to watch the hens as the went to roost at night.

The next one is a puzzle site I go to once a day. It is part of my morning ritual.

The last site is to the best yarn shop in the world. (my opinion, at least). The web site does not do it justice. Julie also has a blog link on her site which is fun to read. It has very nice pictures of the yarn store and her projects etc.

Sorry for the non-grocery posting, but the word starts to go out today to my friends about this site. Who knows how far that will lead and I want people to understand why the different blogs and some of my favourite sites.

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