Well, seems like someone is going to step in and take a shot at replacing her. We have someone who is constantly rude to the customers, fellow employees and probably most other people she comes in contact with. You know, sometimes being blunt is good but most times it is just kinder to be a little less snotty.
I don't really like working with people like that. Makes the day longer and it makes for an uncomfortable feeling regarding customers. I actually get embarrassed, shocked, sometimes even mortified, by what gets said.
Sure customers ask stupid question. That's what a lot of them do. But, jumpin' jimminy don't point it out to them! Its nice that they come in our store. We shouldn't be chasing them away. Its lack of customers that has caused the hours to be cut and make the work all that more frustrating. Both for cashiers and customers.
And yelling across four registers is just plain old RUDE!!!
We have a big sign out front now that has this week's specials listed on it. I wonder who decides what goes on there? I think personally I would have put the one item that is almost 1/2 price right now. But that's just me. Also, I think the letters should all be the same colour as many colours makes it look a little yard sale-ish.
BUT, it IS nice to have something out there attracting attention. Its a good idea and maybe still a work in progress. So we'll reserve the judgment for now.
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