Why is it that some of the younger people today don't like to work? I don't mind helping when they forget a code or something, but jeez, at least try to remember them. You shouldn't have to be asking time after time after time for the same code.
And do some work will ya? Where in the heck do they disappear to? I can be standing there working away and wonder why I have so many customers and I'll look up to see I'm by myself. They're gone! One of them even leaves her light on and will have customers standing there waiting for her but no one knows where she went. Same one that happens to be late most of her shifts. Although to be fair, she will stay late when asked. Good thing too, because if she stays for 8 hours you can usually get a good 5 hours of work from her.
The Princess.. Wow, how long does it take to sweep a floor? And please don't put the damn dust pan on my counter top, especially when I have just cleaned it!! And SMILE. Even just once every 15 minutes would be nice.
And speaking of cleaning the counters and belt. I wish that each person would just take the time to clean their belt for the next cashier coming in. Common courtesy. And while you're between customers clean the belt as well. How would you like to be putting your food on there?
One little aside here. I had a customer a couple of weeks ago say to me that he won't give to the food banks because he has driven by them in a line-up and seen them standing there smoking and yapping on their cell phones. Made me think.
I tend to agree. I don't have any spare money to spend on frivolous items. If I was hungry, I would want food more than I would want to be smoking. I would want food more than I want to talk to someone I am probably going to see in another few hours or minutes anyway. So, maybe this should be rethought.
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