Still love my job. I know there seems to be a lot of bitching and complaining that goes on here, but: its MY blog.
I think the powers that be have switched to that "just-in-time" method of shipping. I can't say for sure, but it seems when I walked around the store last night there were a lot of empty spaces. The overnight people do a good job of getting everything out on the shelves so its okay in the morning, but, still....
Also the hours have been cut for all employees. Not sure what that is about, because we sure are busy. Not ALL the time, but sometimes there will be just one cashier besides the express open. Just one! That means all the people that can count will be lined up forever. Now, the head cashier can come out and help and MOST times does. But what if she's busy getting HER work done?
For the most part the customers are okay about it. But sometimes even the ones that have been coming here forever will get upset about it. It doesn't help that there are a couple of head cashiers that are a little cranky when talking back to them. Just inflames the situation.
Yes, there is more than one head cashier. There is the OFFICIAL head cashier that does the bookkeeping, scheduling, payroll etc., but there are about 5 more that are almost as official. That is so we can have a 'head cashier' on during the day shifts.
Oh yeah, end caps: those are what they call the shelves at each register that usually have candy, gum and magazines. It is also the name of the end of each aisle.
Another reason that I really like my job is that the people I work with have been so helpful with my limitations. ( had a hip replacement November 2006, and need two knees done). It is never assumed that I can run around the store putting back items that people changed their minds on. Or that I will be able to restock the gum and candy. The other girls will do that for me. In turn I will clean belts, keypads, registers, and catch trays. Those are fiddly jobs and sometimes the girls don't like to do them.
I like to be considerate of those who will come behind me and of those I am relieving. We have a 7 minute grace period inside of which you are technically not late. When I first started, there were some girls that took serious advantage of that. Coming in 7 minutes late and leaving 7 minutes early. And there still are a few now that do it. But it is starting to be pointed out that they are scheduled to x o'clock and it isn't that yet!
I feel if I am scheduled to work until 4 pm then that is the time I leave my register. It only takes me a minute to walk to the time clock. On the other hand, the afternoons that I work express I do like to leave a little earlier than 7:30. My relief starts at 7 and usually isn't on the register for all that time. Therefore I like to leave a minute or two early. I almost always punch in 7 minutes early on the days I am working express. I know the girl that's there has been on express most of the day and it is a tiring job.
You have a lot of hidden responsibility on express. Not only do you have to keep the lines moving, but you have to keep an eye on people that need help at the customer service counter. Also you are the one that people come to with a "quick" question. AND sometimes even the one that people come to to complain about another cashier.
That doesn't happen much now that the irresponsible ones are gone. There are always some that want a job and then are all surprised and everything when they find that not only do they have to show up, but they have to be on time and actually do work!
Sometimes the younger ones have no clue. We've had some that when told its time for their break will just put up the sign and leave. Not worry about the customer who has just put their groceries on the belt. Not even apologize. Just turn off the light, lock out the register and leave.
I'm sure my chin hit the floor the first time I saw that happen.
That'll do for now. So far I have the day off and I have to go yell at the bank for something they messed up.
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